Choosing the right partners for content marketing and paid advertising

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Content marketing should be a central part of your growth strategy. But how do you choose between content marketing and paid advertising to meet your goals?

Both content marketing and paid advertising contribute to long-term business growth. But determining the ROI of each now leads to better growth-oriented decisions later. Understanding how each fits within your marketing mix drives better long-term results. Here’s what you need to know about partnering with a paid advertising or content marketing expert.

Working with a Content Marketing Expert

Content marketing is a long-term strategy for business growth. Your content and strategies should evolve to meet changing business needs. A content marketing expert helps you develop rich, creative solutions that resonate with your target market.

Today, 70% of consumers would rather learn about products through good content. An expert helps you develop long-term content strategies to meet those demands. That expert helps with you with the biggest challenge of optimizing content continuously.

Your content marketing strategy must evolve over time. Your target market is changing its tastes and the channels it favors. Your expert can determine the best strategies and channels to use at any given time.

Most importantly, your content must be detailed. Unlike paid advertising, you will need dynamic, long-form writing and data-driven insights your customers genuinely want. Some of these assets will be long-term solutions (what we call “evergreen content”), but you should continue to add fresh and compelling content regularly, either in the form of blog posts or regular reports.

A content marketing expert can help you select the best forms of content to use. This can include white papers, infographics, blog posts, and others. Altogether, these content marketing assets provide a holistic approach to customer engagement.

Working with a Paid Advertising Expert

Paid advertising is both a growth driver and an investment. A paid advertising expert will help you maximize impact and exposure while minimizing costs. Unlike content marketing, you can run paid ads on an initiative-by-initiative basis.

Content marketing is oriented towards delighting and driving interest among prospects. Both content marketing and paid advertising focus on business value. But paid advertising prioritizes direct conversions as opposed to lead generation.

Your paid advertising expert will develop an in-depth understanding of your products and target markets. This person will help develop ad creative that has a clear call to action and maximizes conversions. The expert will help you set clear goals per campaign and deliver on them.

Paid advertising focuses on powerful initiatives and driving ROI on a budget. Your expert will help you learn from the successes and failures of each initiative as well. The expert must be able to respond to your changing needs from campaign to campaign.

Creative Solutions for Paid and Content Marketing

You need a winning content marketing approach no matter what. You can increase market impact on specific initiatives with paid advertising. Both have an important place in your marketing mix.

You deserve the best possible results from your content and advertising campaigns. Adopting fresh, new solutions differentiates you from your competitors. Making the right strategic decisions ensures your brand has the greatest impact possible.